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6-4-12 Veterans Affairs Commission Minutes


1.      Call to Order: Bernie called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

2.      Roll Call:
        Present: Bernie Corona, Vincent Parys, David Whalen, J. Roger Pelletier
        Absent: Dominic Fulco, Jr., Kirk Allison, Mary-Ann Roczynski, Linda Carrasquillo, Paul Barry

3.      Approval of Minutes:
        April 9, 2012 & May 7, 2012 –  No quorum being present, the approval of minutes was tabled to the next meeting.

4.      Old Business:
        -       Bicentennial Square – No official word received on the project to rename and improve Bicentennial Square.
        -       Memorial Day Parade – All agreed it went off well.  

5.      New Business:
        -       Bernie passed out miscellaneous information on the number of veterans of current wars applying for compensation is the most ever. Many are claiming as many as eight or more ailments on average.
        -       Memorial Day Parade – Discussion took place on the possibility of having a Veterans Affairs sign be made to use in the parades. Tabled to next meeting.
        -       Chair Bernie Corona announced that due to vacations, etc. the July and August meetings are cancelled.

6.      Adjournment –

The next meeting will be September 10, 2012 in the Town Council Chamber.